Critical Alerts!
Critical alerts are always time sensitive and the difference between life and certain death! Whether you choose to email, write, or call officials, always remain civil. Be clear. Be persistent. Never give up. Encourage others to join in! Never forget that you're speaking to someone who - for good or ill - has some amount of power at this moment in time. Some will support our cause. Those who do not will use any loss of temper on our part to dismiss an entire movement!
Remember that we have to stop thinking that our involvement is not needed regarding policies that are detrimental to our environment and/or wildlife if those policies specifically involve states other than our rown. We need every ... single ... voice ... raised and united across the nation!
To be the most effective, the hope is for all volunteers for public action to also engage in petition, mailing, and phone events. Each of these event options takes very little time or effort and serves as a supportive backup to public actions.
While it's expected that many who can participate in petitions, mailings, and phone events may not be able to sign up for feet-on-the-ground events, it's hoped that all who can do so...will attend.
Again...it's all about Numbers.
Public comments: Do NOT Delist Grizzlies!
Public comments due by 11:59pm on October 7, 2016 - Speak up to keep grizzlies protected!
More than 99% of the public comments during the previous period will not be considered by USFWS because the comments were either not substantive or not unique. No matter how heart-felt, public comments that say, "Don't delist grizzlies," are not substantive. We must give sound reasons to continue protecting grizzlies. Talking points links are provided, but we must put these thoughts in our own words; otherwise, our comment will not be deemed as unique.
Don't Delist Grizzlies
Rick Lamplaugh - Please note that the link to the public comments at Rick Lamplaugh's site is the expired link. Use the link below, please!
Make a Public Comment
Tell Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell what you think:
202 208-3100
The Honorable Sally Jewell
Secretary of the Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240
Contact your congressmen and senators:
For correspondence to U.S. Senators:Office of Senator [Name]
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
By Telephone
Alternatively, you may phone the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.
If you don't know who your representative or senator is, find out at whoismyrepresentative.com. The link will open in a new tab in your browser. Always remember that your comments can be shared with ALL state legislators!
UPDATE: BLM Advisory Board Votes to Kill 44,000 Wild Horses